Intimacy Choreography
What is Intimacy Direction & Coordination?
The Intimacy Director or Coordinator is a professional movement expert that specializes in crafting moments of intimacy in storytelling. Though intimacy choreography broadly refers to sexual content, it also relates to violence, heightened emotional states of characters, and situations where an actor's identity is being leveraged for the sake of the visual story. Intimacy Directors & Coordinators are there to improve the safety, comfort, and autonomy of those in the performance space. We are highly trained with the skills to advocate for actors and to ensure they're not just "figuring it out" for themselves.

What can I do as an Intimacy Director/Coordinator for you?
Make sure that requirements are clearly communicated at the auditions, including nudity riders
Script dramaturgy, work with the director to understand their vision, and discuss staging options
Equip team with consent-based practices regarding personal boundaries
Choreograph the intimacy and provide guidelines of needed improvisation within boundaries
Ensure that rehearsals and sets are closed while union rules are being followed regarding intimacy and actor safety
Provide consultations on using the work and establishing policy
Work with costuming and any other departments that may be affected by the staged intimacy
Prioritize and care for the actors' wellness before, during, and after each run of the work
My Qualifications
Training with Theatrical Intimacy Education (39 hours total)
6 hours of Training in TIE's Best Practices
6 hours of Training in TIE's Intimacy Choreography
6 hours of Training in TIE's Theatrical Studio Techniques, Casting, & Policy
6 hours of Training in TIE's Best Practices in Working with Minors
6 hours of Training in TIE's Intimacy Coordination for Film
3 hours of Training in TIE's Consent in the Acting Classroom
3 hours of Training in TIE's Working with Trans and Non-Binary Actors
3 hours of Training in TIE's Qualifications and PD
Training with Intimacy Directors & Coordinators (32 hours total)
12 hours of Training in Foundations of Intimacy Workshop (Level One Pathway to Certification)​
15 hours of Training in Foundations of Intimacy Workshop (Level Two Pathway to Certification)​
3 hours of Training in "Digging Deeper into Boundaries"
2 hours of training in "How Unaddressed Whiteness Can Cause Harm in Intimacy Work"
National Society of Intimacy Professionals, Canada (12 hours total)
4 hours of Training in "Kiss and Masking Choreography"​
4 hours of Training in "Choreographing Kink"
4 hours of Training in "Intimacy Choreography"
University of Idaho
1 semester-Intimacy Foundations taught by Kelly Eviction-Quinnett and Kara Eggers, guest workshops with Ann James and Avi Wolf
Racial Equity Training
Anti-Racist Theatre
Anti-Racism in the Workplace Training
Bystander Intervention Training-multiple
Conflict Management Training-Association for Mental Health Coordinators
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Training-multiple
Certified Mental Health Coordinator-AMHC
Living Mental Wellness Certified Instructor
Certified in Mental Health First Aid for Adults
Certified Trauma Support Specialist-Arizona Trauma Institute
Certified Artistic Mental Health Practitioner -AMHC
Naloxone Awareness and Administration Certification-Workplace Safety and Prevention Services
Understanding Substance Use Disorders Certification-Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network
COVID-19 Vaccinated and Boosted
Have received production mentorship from Adam Noble and acting pedagogy coaching from Kim Shively

Workshops, Private Coaching, and Consulting
Please contact me for individual coaching, workshops, and consulting pricing.
Private in-person or Zoom actor coaching
45 minute workshop on "What is Intimacy Choreography"- basics of consent and boundaries, why they are necessary roles, and how IC works
1-2 hour Rhythmic Acting workshop
1-2 hour "Boundaries and Connections Training" workshop for minors
1-2 hour "Boundaries and Connections Training" workshop for educational organizations
1 hour "Using Acting Techniques in the Boardroom" workshop for businesses and entrepreneurs
I can facilitate workshops and consultations for corporations wishing to improve boundaries and communication in their workplace.
Why is intimacy choreography critical to educational spaces?
Intimacy addresses much beyond staged kisses. Intimacy can entail moments of grief, moments of violence between characters, heartbreak, abuse, and more. Qualified intimacy professionals are trained and experienced in helping you to create healthier and safer spaces for creative experimentation and play. Laying a strong foundation with student actors equips them with the tools they need to advocate for their safety and to practice safe self-care as they develop and deepen their crafts.